Monday 30 July 2012

Optimize Images Easily In Blogger To Get Higher Rank

To get higher rank in Google search result the images withing your blog post should be properly customized that's why we had shared a article about this but some reader find difficulty in this article because you have to do it manually.

But recently blogger provides an option to easily optimize images by adding title or alt tag easily without going to HTML programming.

You can also make your link to index faster in Google by learning the autonomy of nofollow or dofollow attribute.

How To Add Title Or Alt Tag In Images Easily

All the steps are very simple just add an image in your blog post and then click on it, an option bar will shown.
Blogger Provide Option To Add Alt Tag
Click on Properties button and add Title Text and Alt Text.

Don't Forget To Replace File Name

Before you upload your images, rename your file name with rich keywords. For example the image of your Blogger icon should be blogger-logo.jpeg instead of untitled.jpeg.

You can separate the words of file name with hyphen (-) or underscore ( _ ) but most of the SEO expert suggest hyphen (-) to be used as it is more SEO friendly.

Use relevant keywords in Alt text Title text which will increase the priority of your content in the eyes of search engines. 

Think About File Size

While determining the page rank of a particular website search engine takes account the page loading time which directly relates to the size of your images therefore think twice about the file size of your image before uploading them to server.

If your image have large in size then don't try to satisfy you by changing the height and width of image obviously this will not work. If your image has large in size then you can choose .jpg format instead of .png format.

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