Monday 30 July 2012

Changing Your Sidebar Font & Size

Ahh! I did it. When i was trying to change the sidebar of my upcoming template i changed the sidebar font. It looked hard but when i peeped in the template code once, i ultimately knew how to change the sidebar font. I thought i will share this trick with my lovely visitors.
changing font and size

Generally the default font of almost all templates is Arial. But always arial doesn't looks good. To meet our template requirements we need to change the font as letters matters much to us, but the style of those letter matters even more. So here it is for all of you. Be sure you read this carefully. So here we go then;
  • Login to your blogger account.
  • And be forwarded to design>Edit Html.
  • Search for this block of code or similar one;
.sidebar {
color: $textColor;
  • Now it's turn to modify this code. Add the below code to the above one;
font-family: times;
  • After adding it should look like this one;
.sidebar {
color: $textColor;
font-family: times;

  • If you want to change the size of font of sidebar then make the code like this;

.sidebar {
color: $textColor;
font-family: times;
font-size: 150%; 
  • Here;
  1. Change "times" into your desired font name.
  2. Change "150" into your desired size. Instead using percentage you can use pixel also to define the size.
  • Now click on save template and you are done.
Now you are done changing your sidebar font and size. I hope it will work for you as it has worked fine for me too.
If you have any thing to say then immediately comment below. We are waiting for your comments.

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