Sunday 1 July 2012

Why did I get a custom domain name?

I have been blogging in this blog for a while. I was previousy using blogger subdomain for my blog since I was still a newb in blogs  sphere. I am still newb but I think I have learn the importance and benifit of having a custom domain. Beside it is easy to remember and sounds cool. My blog "Trips on Tricks" with now has been updated to name "Tips on Tricks" with domain. Hopefully I can get something out of this and benefit you as well. Today I am here with the reasons why I choose custom domains and to answer some of the most discussed related questions.

Custom domain for the reader

When your reader reads your blog, find a information to apply or a link to click on, they will probably think about how trustworthy this site is for safety. With a professional .com domain you can get more reputation in their eye. It also depends on your blog design, so make sure that's clean. Another reason why custom domain is good for the reader it is easy to remember. I also changed my blog name a bit to make it easy to remember. The reader an search my blog easily when they want to see the updates.

Better SEO with custom domain

Custom domain is short and easy. If you look at mine, my blog name has two related keyword. If I write blog posts about them and someone searches on a search engine, I will have a better dominance. Since the .blogspot will be no more you have shorter and faster keyword match. And I think even google looks at .com better than as well as Alexa and other ranking sites. You should know the answer to a very critical question here:

Q: Will I loose my page rank after getting custom domain?

Good question old me. The answer is yes. Yes you will, just as I did. You will loose the 'public page rank'. Since your getting a new domain, until the new update to the 'public' page rank comes up. But you will have all the backlink redicted to the new domain. So, unitl the next update you will have everything 0. But you will recover and the interneal backlinks and page ranks are still intact. So even though your new custom domain might show 0 page rank, you will have no consequences or have to worry about loosing anything. Another related question that is well discussed is:

Q: Will I loose my traffic?

No, not at all. If blogspot blog previously had good reputation and traffic source then you will continue to have the same. All your blog post will have the same page rank as you have had previously and all of them will be redicted directly to your new custom domain. So nothing to worry about at all.

Get attention of guest bloggers

Bloggers are the biggest skeptic to blogspot domain. For blogs like mine, you will see a major amount of traffic coming from other bloggers. Bloggers come to learn and find opportunities. One of the biggest practices are guest blogging. Blogger will looks for a good backlink surce and well established blog to write their article on.

There are a lot of benefit of having a custom domain which I am sure you can find them all in a search but these are some of my reason to get a custom domain and hopefully I will be able to benefit from it all. Also, if you want to earn some money from your blog, getting the com domain is the perfect choice. Many ad service doesn't accept sub domains such as BuySell Ads. So, have you decided to buy a custom domain yet, or you already have? Post your thoughts on the comment section below.

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