Tuesday 24 July 2012

How to put more Value to your Information

Should blogs be consider a good source of information? We bloggers like to think so. Blogs are the new medium and the easiest medium to make any information useful and professional. But I agree with Andrew Buchmannn about how useful is blogging as a tool of information. He pointed out that anyone can just add anything on the web and uncertain verification system makes it even worse to public eye with sensitive or important information. As bloggers we try to use the right information but doesn't always interrupt it right. I think we bloggers should consider and know how our visitor looks at the information we provide and how as a reader you can evaluate the information better.

Always include your source

This is pretty obvious but just adding simple source ink or reference link to the information you are providing. Don't worry about SEO, make it nofollow if you wish, your readers won't check. While giving your information add the phrases like 'according to source name' just like your read in non-fictional book and newspapers. It gives more professionalities to your information and also helps you recheck your information your providing. This is pretty much the main point and need you need to meet. In addition to create more value to your information you should try to do the followings.

Add an Authors' bio

Since anyone with a computer an add anything to the web, you should have a unique way to show that your information and authority it higher than 'anyone'. Make your true self and show off your experties and link your picture to Google authorship which will help you both with better image of your blog and SEO.

Make your blog professional and related

If your blog is completely about something else there isn't a good reason for you reader to take your 'information' as a trusted or validated one. Same goes for a blog with bad design and 'scammy' styles. If your blog look professional and your blog is related to the information your providing, then your visitor will most likely to be happy than with a scammy site with right information.

How to evaluate your information

Well you can't, not always. Pretty much very thing on the net is on the net interlinking. If you are looking for higher authority, always check the source, check the terms and conditions and search the web for more information about it. Some information are easily evauateable but others aren't. Just like you know not to use any information from Wikipedia to your paper, you should know, not every website can provide you the safe-zoned information you are looking for. Also check the above method as well to see what your unconscious mind think.

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