Friday 27 July 2012

Free Colour Code Generator Tool

Colours have a very great importance in every body life. You all might already know the value of colour is worth counting. So colour are used every where. Even in blogosphere to male our website colorful we use numerous colours.
But while adding colours to our blog we cannot use the name directly. Each colour has it's own code. We should use that. But there's a problem the codes are different for each color and colors are numerous so are the codes. What do you do now? 

We cannot save the codes in our brain memory. SO to fix that problem here's the colour code generator for you.
Feel free to use this tool and share it; Here are some instructions. Be sure you read them;

  • Initially drag the the pointer in Hue to your desired colour palate.
  • Then drag the pointer inside the brightness/saturation box and choose your desired colour.
  • You can yourself set brightness/hue/saturation by changing their value.
  • Now your code is generated in hex box.
  • Simply copy the six digit code. Eg:#000000
  • Enjoy!!

But if you want to choose matching colour palates then try using another tool below;
Colour Wheel For Matching Palates Colour
In reference to the tool above, this tool is extremely helpful for choosing your desired colour for your backgrounds, sidebar, header, hyperlinks and much more.INSTRUCTIONS;
  • Click on a colour palate and the four matching colour will appear along with their hex codes.
  • More over you can enter a hex code and it's marching colour codes will appear.
  • Copy the code of the colour you liked and start using them;
I hope this tool was useful for you. Feel free to use it and share it with your friends and families.

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