Saturday 14 July 2012

Adding Disqus Comment Box To Blogger

Commenting on blogger have become nowadays very popular. Many people share their ideas  through commenting. Moreover people always hope that many people will comment on my posts. YA! if it so then wouldn't it be a great deal if you could style your comment box in blogger. If it is so then you came to the right place as today i will be telling you how to add disquis comment box to blogger.
Before adding it you should know about it. Read below;

Disquis is a free professional commenting system that allows people to comment in your blog in a more professional way. By this you can preserve your blog from spams. This commenting system is more and more user friendly and easy to use and manage from disquis dashboard. It has a benefit. Many of my blog readers and friends told me that blog comments will be lost while changing into custom domain and other things. But disquis preserves your comments. There are ways to import your old comments
So then are you impressed with it or wanna use the previous blog commenting system. If no then follow the tutorial below and if yes also then give it a try and you may like it also;

  • Go to Disquis Website.
  • Then click on "Get this on your site" button.
  • Fill the spaces and completing click on continue which  you will see at the bottom.
  • If you want to add your twitter account then you may but remember it is optional.
  • Then you would be shown the sites for which you want to add your professional commenting system.
  • Blogger users click on blogger and other click on their respective site.
  • Now click on add site button.
  • Among your several blogs click on the one where you want to add Disquis and then click on add widget.
  • The gadget wherever laid will not matter. It will cover up your previous commenting space and be visible.
  • Now log in to your mail and confirm your email from disquis.
Now you have successfully added disquis to your blog. But you can give it your taste. You can edit it to meet your requirements.
  1. Click on your username at the top right corner and click on edit profile.
  2. Now edit your profile, avatar and other things.
Disquis comments are neatly formatted and you can subscribe to RSS feeds to get notified whenever others comment. Users of disquis can easily comment in your site via their respective ID's for the sake of more connected approach. More over as in blog you can moderate comments on disquis too. And you can possibly do it by logging in to disquis. Hope this will bring a good taste to your blog.
If you have confusion comment below.

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