Thursday 2 August 2012

Free University Courses Online

Free university courses online, education for everyone
Education is the key to success. We all know it. But it is somewhat unnoticed how much the cost went up gradually. Surprisingly the cost raises even more than oil if you were complaining about that. But that's only in the Advance world. What about the developing countries and places like Africa and south Asia where people doesn't have the option to choose higher Education either for individual or Nation's economical condition. There are however any attempts and business around fast online university and college courses that tries to solve these problem with new technology. But most of the online courses costs a huge amount of money and other systems such as MIT Open Course warewhich are free, wasn't designed to guide students with all the resources and work or give any kid of certificate. Luckily there is a solution you were looking for all this time. The name is Coursera.

More about Coursera

Coursera is a social entrepreneurship company partnered with top Universities. The university that are so far included are the following:

California Institute of Technology
Duke University
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Georgia Institute of Technology
Johns Hopkins University
Princeton University
Rice University
Stanford University
University of California, San Francisco
University of Edinburgh
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
University of Toronto
University of Virginia
University of Washington

You can easily spot these famous Universities by their name. The course is lot less independent as you might have seen compared to MIT open course ware and for good. The courses are several week long and you have to follow everyhing and finish your homework on time during this course time. There are big course pair help and intergated with advance technology to bring more of classroom advantage to the internet and exclude what is useless and with less cost. For students, it's completely free. To enter one class after you choose your your catagory you have to meet the requirement and sign up with only your name and email. I have found out about this awesome orgaization through TED talk, which I recomand you watching- explains all the details and system in it.

The course is mainly video based and they provide all the tools you need. This system of online education might be the next big revolution in education. Anyone anywhere in the world with a compute or iPhone connected to internet can access this great tool. And best of all, they also gives a  certificate signed by the professor teaching the class which are accepted many ways in our career. So, what's your thought on this? I would have loved to see an standard certificate but I understand why that is not 'yet' possible. Would you like to give this a try? I am planning to take the calculus course they are offering. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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