Monday 30 July 2012

Tips on Productivity Tricks

Productivity is something we are all looking for every time every where yet constantly failing. Before it was blaming your problem, now it's blaming the teacher who gives productivity tips. Stop with fighting yourself and engulf some of my tips on your productivity tips.

To act old, I am going to give the definition of productivity again to bore you at the beginning.
productiveness: the quality of being productive or having the power to produce.

Blah blah, Advice, Productivity

So, what's keeping you from producing what you want? Is it your scumbag brain? Find a mental hospital and live a happy life. Is it your disability? Well, get over it. Is it because of someone else messing with your focus? Well, I guess you don't know what you want to produce then.

More blah blah, Productivity

So, kids, that's what comes out after you watch inspiring athlete movies. I like watching them and thinking about my goals but only problem when you mess up that with real world or the writers that do to confuse people. There's nothing to be productive about if your ok. Seriously. By the way,  I never done any couching job...

Actual tips on Productivity with few blah blah

First of all, you know what you need to do to get where you want to reach. Don't ever make a straight plan but do push yourselves. And if you are trying to be productive for something that you consider your life's goal to be or reach, I recommend you reconsider. Don't read hundreds of pages of books on productivity or attempt to cut yourself from the distraction such as internet but face them and put number values on them. Remember distraction are almost never the cause of your fail. Don't daydream too much, stay on the reality where you just do things normally not with all productive tips and tricks but still reach your goals. The last step is to stop reading this article, go in-front of the mirror and breath fast but deep for few times (amateur physiology). You don't have to speak out or just think in your head about an abstract idea and reason why you will get there and what you need to do right now instead of wasting your time reading articles like this one.

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