Tuesday 17 July 2012

How To Create Add a Gadget Option In Header Or Post

Blogger is known to be better among large number of blogging platform over Internet. It provide better customization like Template Designer, through which users can modify the template without having much of web designing, to users.

Another best feature of blogger is Page Element, is a short and systematic generalization of your blog theme which easily tells to user about the placement of different type of widgets.

There is a Add a Gadget option in sidebar through which you can add easily different types of gadget or 3rd party HTML code on blog.

Modify your blog's ordered or unordered list and improve its appearance.

It is clear that Add a Gadget option in available in sidebar and footer only, this option is not present in header and blog post.
So lets learn to create Add a Gadget option both in header or blog post.

How To Add Add a Gadget In Header Or Post

How To Create Add a Gadget Option In Header

By changing the small piece of code in blogger template you can enable this option in header.
  1. In blogger dashboard, go to Design /  Edit HTML.
  2. Click Expand Widget Templates to expand all the widgets
  3. Take a copy of your template and save it in your computer ( More )
  4. Search for following string of code in BT.
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
  • Replace showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'
  • Change maxwidgets='1' to maxwidgets='10' , it enables you to add maximum of 10 widget in header.
The result will look like this
 Now you can add maximum of 10 widget in header through this option.

How To Create Add a Gadget Option In Blog Post

All the steps are just similar to above but you have to find following code
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
Just change value no to yes.

Why It Is Useful

This tricks will help you greatly if you find difficulty in placing gadget code inside blogger template.

In above steps we create Add a Gadget option in blog post, you can use this option in following ways
  • To add adsense code just above or below the post easily
  • To add Google+ button
  • Or to add any 3rd party HTML code directly
You can find more information about the section tag discussed in this tutorial at help forum of blogger .

Add small triangle below all widget of your blog from here.

Now enjoy with this superb trick and feel free to ask any type of question

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