Tuesday 17 July 2012

Get Many Blog Readers For Free

There might come an important day in every days life in which they want many people to be there. In blogger it’s every day. Every day of our blogging is always special. With two main aims we start our blog one is to make money via advertising or second to pass our time or to be recognized more by the people and gain popularity. For the completion of our aims requires a simple thing and that is tons of blog readers. It is how our blog will be more popular. More popular post means more money and more fame.

If you start a very good blog and also post excellent articles but if you do not have sufficient readers than you blog value will remain 0. Spend many nights and days but your blog won’t get success and the same thing eventually kills your all labour. You will tell about your website to your friends, families, relatives and others you know but it is limited. Even if they open your site but the major thing they do is open your site once a day and close it. They are not interested to see what’s inside it. So what will you do? Are you in problem?
If yes then don’t worry because I am going to write some tips that might roll your blog readers to tons. Here are the top 10 tips for new bloggers who want to get readers (subscribers) like spam. These tips are based on my 3 years experiences only and I cannot take responsibility to bear any problem. But a thing is sure that your traffic will get a boost by +40%. So read the following tips thoroughly;

    1.Write at least 5 killer articles
After you establish your blog then write your first 5 killer articles. Here killer articles don’t resemble any especial thing. It just resembles the pillar articles of your blog. After you decide your blog topic you should write down it. For e.g.: if your blog is about blogging tips you may write initially what Is blog, why people prefer it and what are its features. Like this you will go on widening and then reach to the apex. Initially you should be writing unique posts so that more and more blog readers will crawl on your site searching for some other unique articles.

    2.Get As Much Traffic As You can
For getting permanent blog readers you should get heavy traffic. It’s not hard. For it utilize the power of social Medias. You can also submit to traffic exchanges auto surf sites that delivers unique like ougos, addmefast, etc. Read my article FIVE TIPS TO ACCELERATE YOUR BLOG TRAFFIC. By all this you will get enough traffic. You will be asking “why traffic is necessary? If we get more blog readers then our traffic will directly increase.” If you are thinking so then you are wrong. For getting more blog readers at first they should know what a cool site you have. If they won’t then will your traffic soar high. No ya, So before getting more blog readers you should get as much traffic you can.

    3.Give Away Some Bonuses or Free Services
Most of the blog readers don’t crawl on a single site for a long time. They crawl from one to another. So to force them not to leave your blog give away some offers and bonuses. Like I have kept SEO Tools you can put other things as a free service. By this people will be heavily impressed by your blog and will become the permanent blog readers. if you can’t figure out what to keep then maybe I can help you. You can give offer that “whoever will be the most unique visitor his/her banner will be displayed on my site”. More over you can give your readers a free e-book for subscribing to your blog so that they will know how skilled you are and will spend their time on your site.\

     4.Stay Close To Your Blog Readers
When you write a unique post then it’s probable that people supporting your blog will comment on it. This shows that they really are impressed with you. So try replying to them as soon as possible. If you write a tutorial and a reader can’t understood a thing and after he asks a question in comment and if you didn’t reply to him then that’s a minus point. You will lose a blog reader and future readers also who would have come to your blog through that very reader. So, stay close to your blog readers at your blog and outside to.

    5.Encourage Others To Comment On Your Blog
One of the active ways to get more loyal readers is to show that there are other loyal readers too. It might make you laugh, but it works. If people see many comments on your blog then they might want to comment. After seeing dozens of comments other might feel that your blog should be definitely good as it is getting so many comments and can’t help himself to stop becoming your blog reader. If you want to get more comments then at last write some simple question like “Did it work for you? Or “Share your knowledge below”.  So that people will post comments in the form of answers.

The tips above are just what I used to get more traffic. It’s not sure that you will get more readers from it, but however I did. There are so many other ways to get more blog readers. Finding readers isn’t a work of a day or two as it takes a very long time and you are just at the beginning.
Hope you enjoyed the post.


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