Thursday 3 November 2011


Examples of Sentence Correction Questions
Directions for questions 1 to 10
Each of the Sentence Correction questions presents a sentence, part or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find four ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these, option (a), repeats the original; the other three are different. Follow the requirements of standard written English to choose your answer, paying attention to grammar, syntax, semantics, word choice, and sentence construction. Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence; your answer should make the sentence clear, exact, and free of grammatical error. It should also minimize awkwardness, ambiguity, and redundancy.

1. According to a recent census, the number of high school students working part time in sales has grown every decade since the 70’s. 
(a) the number of high school students working part time in sales has grown
(b) the number of high school students who are working part time in sales have grown
(c) there has been growth in the number of high school students working part time in sales
(d) a growing number of high school students have been working part time in sales 

2.  The 20-year alligator protection program has been declared a success, because trapping is low and alligator births in the wild are high since habitats have been restored to their natural state.  
(a) low and alligator births in the wild are high since
(b) low and the births of the alligators in the wild are high since
(c) low with higher alligator births in the wild as
(d) low and alligator births in the wild are higher as 

3.  A couple of years later, he decided not to buy Anjali Sinha the hilltop retreat of her dreams because he believed that to do it rewards her disrespectful conduct.  
(a) to do it rewards
(b) doing it rewards
(c) to do this would reward
(d) doing so would reward

4.  Recorded in New York city, the songwriter and singer of The Gift were two teenaged singers, Melissa Booth and Darlene Berman, who would later make her reputation as an actress.
(a) Recorded in New York city, the songwriter and singer of The Gift were two teenaged singers, Melissa Booth and Darlene Berman, who would later make her reputation as an actress.
(b) Recorded in New York city, two teenaged singers, Melissa Booth and Darlene Berman, who would later make her reputation as an actress, were the songwriter and singer of The Gift.
(c) Recorded in New York city,The Gift was written and sung by two teenaged singers, Darlene Berman,who would later make her reputation as an actress, & Melissa Booth.
(d) The Gift was written and sung by two teenaged singers, Melissa Booth and Darlene Berman, who would later make her reputation as an actress, and recorded in New York city.

5. The first decision for most people which consider the use of an irrevocable trust is if or not to make the gift outright or in trust.
(a) The first decision for most people which consider the use of an irrevocable trust is if or not to make the gift outright or in trust.
(b) The first decision for most people who consider the use of an irrevocable trust is if or not to make the gift outright or in trust.
(c) The first decision for most people considering the use of an irrevocable trust is if to make the gift outright or in trust.
(d) The first decision for most people considering the use of an irrevocable trust is whether to make the gift outright or in trust.

6. Wild elephants, when surprised in their natural habitats, can be violent, the best course of action is to avoid elephants altogether.
(a) Wild elephants, when surprised in their natural habitats, can be violent,
(b) Wild elephants, surprising in their natural habitats, can be violent, therefore
(c) Wild elephants, when surprised in their natural habitats, can be violent, however
(d) Because wild elephants, when surprised in their natural habitats, can be violent, 

7. Whenever television is denounced by viewers for its violence, they call on the department of Stan­dards and Practices to take action.
(a) Whenever television is denounced by viewers for its violence, they call
(b) Whenever television is denounced by viewers calling on its violence.
(c) Whenever television is denounced for its violence, viewers call
(d) Whenever viewers denounce television for its violence, they call 

8. Canadians vote for an electoral college, not a president, since such is the case, a candidate can win popular vote but still lose the election.
(a) since such is the case, a candidate can win popular vote but still lose the election
(b) and a candidate can win the popular vote still lose the election because of that
(c) a candidate can win the popular vote but lose the election as a result
(d) so a candidate can win the popular vote but still lose the election

9. Set in the sixteenth century, modern audiences enjoyed the contemporary opera Galileo,Galileiwritten by Philip Glass.

(a) century, modern audiences enjoyed the contemporary opera Galileo, Galilei by Philip Glass
(b) century and written by Philip Glass, audiences enjoyed the contemporary opera Galileo, Galilei
(c) century, the contemporary opera Galileo, Galilei  was written by Philip Glass and enjoyed by modern audiences
(d) century, Philip Glass' contemporary opera Galileo, Galilei has enjoyed great success with modern audiences

10. One of the leading causes of high cholesterol is ingestion of cholesterol-rich foods; another that is equally damaging is a lack of exercise. 
(a) foods; another that is
(b) foods, another one that is
(c) foods, the other, and it is
(d) foods; another one which is being

Examples of Sentence Completion or Fill in the blanks questions

Directions for questions 1 to 10:
Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentences are five words or set of words that , when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 

1. Nonviolent demonstrations often create such ten­sions that a community that has constantly refused to _______ its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices can no longer be ________.

(A) acknowledge .. ignored
(B) decrease .. verified
(C) tolerate .. accepted
(D) address .. eliminated 


2.There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been ________ to the extent that they no longer ________ecologists.

(A) perfected .. hinder
(B) exhausted .. interest
(C) prolonged .. require 
(D) prevented .. challenge 


3.Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which ________ ­treatments are            unsatisfactory.

(A) similar
(B) most
(C) dangerous
(D) alternative 


4.It was her view that the country's problems had been ________ by foreign technocrats,  so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.

(A) foreseen
(B) attacked
(C) ascertained
(D) exacerbated 


5.The actual ________ of Wilson's position was always ________ by his refusal to              compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.

(A) outcome .. foreshadowed
(B) logic .. enhanced
(C) rigidity .. betrayed 
(D) uncertainty .. alleviated 


6.The senator's reputation, though ________ by false allegations of misconduct, emerged             __________ from the ordeal

(A) shaken .. unscathed
(B) destroyed .. intact
(C) damaged .. impaired
(D) impugned .. unclear 


7. This poetry is not ________; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience         than is poetry with strictly regional themes.

(A) familiar
(B) democratic
(C) technical
(D) provincial 


8.Experienced political leaders recognize that civil servants who can ________ different points of view are ultimately more effective as agents of positive change  than are the brilliant and original students who ________ dogmatically to their own formulations.

(A) discredit.. revert
(B) assimilate .. adhere
(C) impose .. refer
(D) disregard .. incline 


9.The theory of cosmic evolution states that the uni­verse, having begun in a state of          simplicity and _______, has _______ into great variety.

(A) equilibrium .. modulated
(B) homogeneity .. differentiated
(C) contrast .. metamorphosed
(D) proportion .. accelerated 


10. In the Indian theatre young people under thirty-five have not had much ________        getting recognition onstage, but offstage in the ranks of playwrights, directors,           designers, administrators they have mostly been relegated to relative obscurity.

(A) trouble
(B) satisfaction
(C) curiosity about
(D) success at 

Questions based on Parajumbles or Para-anagrams

Directions for Q. 1 to 5:
Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.

1. Andropogon Gayanus is a grass similar to guinea grass.
A. The seeds are embedded in a foxtail structure and it is very difficult to see the seeds with naked eyes.
B. The sowing depth should not go beyond 5 mm and excess watering should be avoided.
C. It is cultivated by sowing seeds or transplanting seeds.
D. They are first sown in the nursery and then transplanted to the main field after 70 days.
6. The slips on the other hand can be planted in the main field directly with a spacing of 40 cm.
(a) ACDB                              (b) BCAD                              (c) DACB                              (d) CADB


2. Only parents can provide backup support at home to what is achievable in the classroom.
A. Scarcity of well-run schools is the number one problem, and limited facilities is the other.
B. That beginning is often fraught with insurmountable difficulties.
C. Continuity of educational opportunities for KG class through college is rarely assured with the desired degree of credibility.
D. Securing admission in a school of one’s choice is the beginning.
6. This situation is worse confounded if the KG level suffers from the neglect of parents, however benign it may be.
(a) CDBA                              (b) DBAC                              (c) ABDC                              (d) CDAB


3.The village ecosystem hangs on a delicate balance.
A. Faced with firewood shortage, villagers would increasingly turn towards cow dung.
B. Vanishing pastures would reduce livestock, leading to a shortage of manure.
C. This would deprive crops of vital organic fertilisers and thus adversely affect land productivity.
D. If too many trees are cut or the population pressure forces the expansion of croplands and habitat, the results would be devastating.
6. And the vicious circle would continue.
(a) DACB                              (b) BADC                              (c) DABC                              (d) CADB


4. Until there is freedom from conditioning, freedom from the activities of thought which are creating great problems, those problems cannot be possibly solved.
A. Each one has to fend for himself.
B. That demands that both of us feel, enquire, search out all the things that we have created as barriers between each other.
C. That is why both of us must think together, if we can.
D. A new instrument is necessary to solve our human problems, but it is not for the speaker to tell you what the new quality of that instrument is.
6. We as human beings have to live intelligently and happily, but apparently that is not possible because we are conditioned.
(a) DACB                              (b) CABD                              (c) BACD                              (d) ABDC


5. Traditionally, the joint family system provided support structures to ensure maternity and child care.
A. There are large number of families where both husband and wife work.
B. This typecast role model, however unrealistic and factually incorrect, continues to be presumed as a ground rule.
C. Today, despite the large number of working women, the basis of all welfare legislation is the traditional family unit.
D. But with the rise in nuclear families, the responsibility for taking care of the children has fallen solely on women.
6. There are also a large number of families headed by women.
(a) ABCD                              (b) CDAB                              (c) DCBA                              (d) BADC


Directions Q. 6 to 10:
Rearrange the following statements to form a meaningful paragraph.

6. A. Is it a sublimation of love or sex?
B. The heroine, a dancer, belonging to the Devadasi community is sure of winning the heart of a monk.
C. He addresses her as his mother.
D. Yes, she is able to draw the attention of the monk to herself but he does not play to her ends.
(a) ABCD                              (b) BCDA                              (c) BDCA                              (d) ABDC             

7. A. For the Hindus it is a scripture which contains everything that a man has to know about every aspect of life.
B. While the Ramayana deals with the upliftment of an individual, the Mahabharata explains the concept of man and society at the micro and macro levels.
C. The Mahabharata is considered to be the essence of the four Vedas.
D. For others it is a great work of literature consisting of one of the most widely read, interpreted, commented upon and translated work, the Ramayana.
(a) BACD                              (b) CADB                              (c) CBAD                              (d) BCAD             

8. A. When we see the last few years of their performance in India, it is a mixed bag of success and failure.
B. Looking at the state of affairs after liberalisation, we find multinationals have made their way into the Indian market in a big way, with their branded goods and advanced technology.
C. There had been partnership with Indian companies which are doing well.
D. Some are going through rough weather.
(a) BADC                              (b) ABDC                              (c) BDCA                              (d) BDAC             

9. A. English is now the most common language for communication not merely of the native speakers but of speakers of foreign languages when they wish to speak to a foreigner conversing in a language other than their own.
B. That is an experience which can be very distressing.
C. It is when a foreigner seeks to use English as a spoken language instead of for mere comprehension that he is liable to be tripped up or trapped into saying something he did not intend to say or into something wholly unintelligible.
D. The Germans, the French, the Russian, the Chinese, the Indians -- all can understand English, even if their command of spoken English is imperfect.
(a) ADCB                              (b) ACBD                              (c) DACB                              (d) DABC 


10. A. "TQM for West, TQC for East" is really a movement for unleashing the potential of individuals as human beings.
B. The world is taking giant strides in technological improvements though the reality is that it is moving more towards the understanding that people, as human beings, are capable of unimaginable breakthroughs in the manner in which they look at things.
C. It is a movement for proper utilisation of human resource.
D. People while talking about TQM know what the theory says is good, but the question is how to make it happen.
(a) ABCD                              (b) ACDB                              (c) CDAB                              (d) BACD

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