Tuesday 26 July 2011


1.  Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in
  • 1892                        
  • 1896
  • 1904                       
  • 1886
2.Under the Nayankara system of Vijayanagar, lands were assigned to

  • mathas for the maintenance of temples
  • persons against annual tributes and military service
  • Brahmins for charitable trusts
  • women without any source of income
3.The title 'Vikramaditya' was assumed by
  •  Harsha
  • Chandragupta II
  • Kanishka
  • Samudragupta
4.The Battle of Plassey was fought in
  • 1757
  • 1782
  • 1748
  • 1764
5. The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of
  • Sutlej and Beas
  • Jhelum and Chenab
  • Ravi and Chenab
  • Ganga and Yamuna
6.Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after
  • military affairs
  • the state treasury
  • the royal household
  • the land revenue system
7.Tripitakas are sacred books of
  • Buddhists
  • Hindus
  • Jains
  • None of the above

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